“The Phoenix Police Department and the City of Phoenix engage in a pattern or practice of conduct that violates the U.S. Constitution and federal law,” according to a scathing report by the United States Department of Justice (DOJ). This pattern of misconduct includes using unjustified deadly…

In California, there is a new law that allows inmates to sue if they have been sexually abused in prison. The new law allows inmates to sue and look back approximately ten years. Many lawsuits have been filed because of the new law, holding corrections officers…

Civil rights attorneys serve an important role by helping people whose constitutional rights have been violated. They are an integral safeguard in our society and ensure that when the government has overstepped its bounds, someone is holding them accountable. Civil rights violations are often committed by…

On April 12th, a Starbucks employee called Philadelphia police to a store because two African-American men were sitting at a table without purchasing anything. Officers ultimately arrested the men, who spent about eight hours in a jail cell before being released without any criminal charges issued. The arrests,…

It seems like all the news talks about lately in the United States is cops shooting unarmed black men who did not actually present a threat to the police or the community. The Washington Post reports that 990 people were shot and killed by law enforcement officers…

The 4th Amendment of the Constitution of the United States provides individuals with the right against unreasonable search and seizure by government officials, which includes law enforcement officers. Police cannot simply detain you for any reason whenever they wish to do so and, instead, must generally obtain an…