Opioid use and abuse is on the rise across the United States, to such serious extent that it has been deemed an epidemic. In 2015 alone, more than one in 10 Americans reported using an opioid within the last 30 days. Unfortunately, these trends in opioid addiction and…

When you think of unlawful drugs, you likely think of substances like heroin, methamphetamine, cocaine, or crack. While possession and distribution of these drugs are very much against both federal and Pennsylvania laws,1 the laws cover many other types of controlled substances, as well. According to the National Institute…

There has been significant discussion of drug reform in the United States. Some states have allowed for recreational marijuana while some cities, including Philadelphia, have either relaxed marijuana laws or decriminalized its use. Despite the progressive laws adopted by more and more cities and states, marijuana…

A new synthetic drug that has resulted in a series of events involving bizarre behavior has Philadelphia health professionals concerned, according to a report published by CBS Philly. The drug, known on the street as “Flakka” or “Gravel,” has been described as a dangerous synthetic cathinone drug called alpha-pyrrolidinopentiophenone (alpha-PDP)…

The Pennsylvania Drug Court system was set up to help individuals who have committed crimes deal with any underlying substance abuse issues in order to reduce the chance of repeat offenses in the future. In addition to providing qualified evaluations, counseling, and other necessary treatment for offenders, drug…

What is the safety valve? How do I get it? Do I want it? In federal court there are many various mandatory minimums. Generally speaking, mandatory minimums are bad things. A mandatory minimum prevents judges from doing what they think is right. Often times, the prosecutor’s…

Is Pennsylvania’s School Zone Enhancement illegal under Alleyne v. United States, 133 S.Ct. 2151 (2013)? School Zone Enhancement The Pennsylvania School Zone Enhancement kicks in when someone is conviction of Possession with the Intent to Deliver (PWID) within 1000 of the real property of a public, private…