Former NFL defensive back Sergio Brown was arrested this week on a murder charge from Chicago, Illinois for his own mother. The Brown case has two very interesting issues that normally don’t come up in routine practice. Background on the Case Brown and his mother lived…

My lawyer told me that we can fight my case, but the DA has a strong case based on circumstantial evidence. What does this mean? Circumstantial evidence means facts are being presented and the person hearing those facts is asked to combine those facts to form or…

Initial allegations are Justin Ross Harris was sexting while his son was dying in a hot car. If this was a Pennsylvania case, what would be the outcome? How should Harris be charged? Would there be a conviction? Right now we do not have enough information about…

Leonard Patrick Gonzalez Jr. was given the death penalty in his homicide trial. This was the case where men dressed as ninjas and broke into the house of the Byrd and Melanie Billings. They stole items and money from the house after they shot the Billings execution style….