Just like every crime has different circumstances, so is each criminal case a little different. While you may associate criminal court with the dramatic trials seen on television and in the movies, in reality, the majority of criminal cases do not go to a trial. Additionally,…

Being accused of a criminal offense can be a frightening and confusing experience. In many instances, law enforcement will aggressively interrogate people who are facing allegations of criminal activity and may threaten them with jail time and other serious legal consequences that may represent the worst-case…

The internet is now an integral part of almost every American’s everyday life. We use the internet to conduct business, personal correspondence, making purchases, pay bills and manage finances, and much more. With a large amount of sensitive information transmitted every minute, it is no surprise…

According to the Department of Research and Statistics[1] of the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts, there were 170,748 new criminal cases filed throughout the state of Pennsylvania in 2013. While is impossible to know with any degree of accuracy how many of the accused were innocent, common sense…

My lawyer tells me that the closing argument is one of the most important parts of a jury trial. Why is that? The closing argument, also called the summation, is very important because it lets your lawyer put the case together to the jury from the…