According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, between 90-95% of all criminal offenders plead guilty to a qualifying offense. Although an experienced Philadelphia criminal defense attorney can help you determine whether it is in your best interest to plead guilty, you have the constitutional right to request a public trial by…

When facing the criminal justice system in Philadelphia for the first time, you should familiarize yourself with what to expect during the process and the rights you may have at each phase. Understanding Pennsylvania Arrest Procedures An arrest is the detainment by police of someone suspected…

The long-awaited conclusion of a criminal case in Philadelphia illustrates how a conviction is not always the end result of a case. There are many steps that can be taken to continue fighting for your rights even if a wrongful conviction has been entered against you and you…

Over the summer, Pokemon Go exploded onto the mobile game scene, as millions of people downloaded the app and started chasing Pokemon all over town. Suddenly, wherever you looked, you would find people staring at their phone and swiping to try to catch this fictional animated…

With the rise of the internet also came the rise of internet crimes. The internet opened up an entirely new realm for criminal offenses, especially due to the potential for anonymity in many online communications. However, authorities in Pennsylvania prosecute internet and computer crimes aggressively and…

Learning that you are under investigation by the federal government can be terrifying. You should take a federal investigation very seriously as you may be in much more trouble than if you were under investigation for state crimes. Federal crimes tend to carry harsher penalties than state crimes…